We have created a unique and user-friendly identification program, which allows you to identify any model from the standard production.

Ten types of components have been listed, analyzed and classified depending on their specific features.

The most comprehensive overview possible of the different Speedmaster Moonwatch models, parents and variants, from the first reference of 1957.

Are you planning to make it available on Android platform ? Thanks
Dear Alexander, we would love to, but unfortunately there is no equivalent tool for Android to build such an app-like product and no iBooks app available for Android. Let’s hope one day…
What a pithy. Thanks for your answer
As I have bought the book, it would be nice for you to throw in the app for free!
Dear Phil, unfortunately the development of the app is not free …
Free apps have a business model based on the advertising that developers can sell (or potentially sell) inside.
The MWO app has no ads and will never have any kind of revenues based on it.
That is why we can not throw it for free.
Hi There! I bought the new red one ” Moonwatch only” some weeks ago and after reading some chapters, i thought it would be ingenious to have a similare tool on my mobile. Had a telefon call with the publishing company and was told that an app is in work :)) Now I have to see, unfortunatly only for Iphone… :((
Could you imagine to sell an eqivalent for android over amazon kindle? Would be very cool and would not shut out the “non apple fans”…..
Like Mr Oswald and Gerhard, I bought the paper book recently (the second edition, as soon as it was out). It is quite a shame the « electronic version » of this book is not free for those who already paid the big price for the paper edition! In fact, if I would have known about the eBook, I would have considered buying it without the printed one! 🙁
Dear Nicolas, thank you for your message.
Do you seriously imagine that the electronic version has no cost?
You have to consider the costs of distribution on the Apple platform and the costs of product development.
And we are convinced – but we may be wrong… – that 30€ / 3000€ which could represent the minimum price of a modern Speedmaster = 1% is not so significant. And the ratio is even lower if we consider the prices of vintage models that are at least 3 times higher…
Another EXTREMELY important reason is that this electronic guide IS NOT the same product than the book. It does not have the same content at all, and its purpose is completely different. You can read the excellent review made by Fratello Watches if you want to better investigate.
Finally, this electronic version does not have advertising or other services revenues.
Anyway, we hope you enjoyed the book.
Best regards.
I own both the first and second version of the hardcover Moonwatch Only and would like to get the e-Moonwatch Only. However, it is not available in the South African iBooks Store.
Will you be making it available in the South African iBooks Store?
Dear Philip, thank you for your comment.
We will check the possibility to have it available in South Africa and keep you updated.
Please make it available in the Singapore iBooks store too 🙂
Dear Dave, it seems that there are problems with some iBooks Store, like Singapore, Hong Kong, South Africa and a few more.
We’ll do our best to solve it.
Thanks for your interest.
Hi Gregoire and Anthony
I downloaded the App. (in addition to having the book vol 1.0 and the 2.0). The App is great and I would say it is too lowly priced for what it is.
Thanks for it, congrats and all the best
Stephan (H.)
Dear Stephan,
Thank you very much for your message.
We are extremely happy to hear such comments, because you know that we put a lot of time and passion into our books, reviews, and now the app.
You made our day!
All the best.
Hi how can I buy this ap as a gift for some one ?
Why am i unable to find it in the app store, is this available for UK accounts? what is the search name please
Hi Marc, this is strange, I confirm that the ebook is available on the UK store (and many people has already bought it there). You should find it searching for “Moonwatch Only” …
is there any way I can buy this app as a present for someone?
Hi Julian, no problem for buying it as a present for someone.
This is possible as for any ibook you will find on the iBook Store.
Here is a link I’ve found on Google: http://www.macworld.co.uk/how-to/iosapps/how-send-app-or-ibook-as-gift-on-ios-3591492/
I bought the very last version of the printed MWO. Unfortunately, I had to find out that the latest case back of my watch (inscription «Professional Moonwatch») is not documented. Now, before I buy the iBook: Can you tell me if i can find the actual Moonwatch, ref. […].005? Also, I can understand that the book and the eBook are two different things. However it would have been an elegant solution to add a voucher in the last books you sold, as you knew what was coming out. However: Your products are fantastic.
Seeing as there will not be an Android version of this great sounding app anytime soon, how about a members only website for us non iPhone users to be able access and use the wealth of information?
Perfect tool! I love the big one but quite too heavy to be brought everywhere, the Ibook is the perfect answer. Many thanks for your professionalism. F.
I love these books and have both versions.
Any chance of an electronic version for Android?
Android not available for the moment …
Can you make it available on the Brazilian iBook Store?
Hello, yes we’ll try to have it available in Brazil.
Dear friends,
I tried many times to buy this ebook at Russian iBook store, but it is still unavailable. Can you please open it for russian Omega afficionados too?
Please develop an Android version.
We want Andoid version, in Google books
Dear people, could you please sell the PDF version of the actual book, that would really come in handy instead of having it only in the AppStore. Thanks!
Dear Giovanni,
I understand your point but a) unfortunately, no real security with a .pdf and b) it would have no sense, from the publisher stand point, to sell the exact digital copy of the printed book to the general public.
Thanks for your message, hope you appreciate our work anyway.
Hi! Can you please make it available to buy for Moldova? Really need this one! Thank you!
Unfortunately it depends on Apple authorizations has in the different countries…